
Interested in becoming a sponsor? We have several options available. Choose the one that's right for you.

Single Level - $250

3ft x 5ft  promotional banner to be placed on front field fence

Double Level - $500

"Single Level" + Your business logo on a teams jersey for spring season


upgrade option for double level $250 more and have your business logo on a teams jersey for both spring and fall season


Triple Level - $775

4ft x 8ft promotional banner + Your business logo on a teams jersey for spring season

Homerun Level - $1000

"Triple Level" + Your business logo on a teams jersey for both spring and fall season

Sponsoring is Quick and Simple

Becoming a sponsor is now as easy as filling out these few fields below (almost). We're working to make this process less painful for everyone. With this info we'll create a one-time invoice based on the chosen sponsorship level

Your invoice will contain all the relevant information for tax purposes. This means you no longer need to wait for donation receipts anymore either as your invoice and payment receipt will be emailed directly to you.

Still want to do it the old-fashioned way? That's OK too. Just download this form and mail it out (don't forget to remit payment).

Please enter your name.
Please enter a valid phone number.
Please enter a message.